Branches of Anarchism. Wikimedia Commons
This year started with a joke. In browsing Wikipedia for the history of anarchism in few languages, one page in the english version would reference to *branches* of anarchism. But wait, wasn't it one of its primary focusses to destroy hierarchic power and knowledge schemes? One can only laugh about the sloppy mistake to impose the topology of a tree to what is supposed to be the structure of the anarchist narrative itself.
Our experimental, community-led librehosting association Ecobytes has been delocalised from Transition Haus again. This resulted in me disembarking the aforementioned twofold Witzenhausen experiment and resorting back to family-led survival and housing strategies in the more familiar environment of the metropolis.
There we would continue to share sublets of our old renting contract to friends receiving social subsidiaries and as well continue to find ways in which our blend of social phantasy does neither oppose self-care nor generosity.